What to Expect at Downsize

We have all been there. We have heard about the latest and greatest thing that is going to super charge your weight loss. We jump on the band wagon and before long, we are falling off, left stranded in the stand. 

Well here at downsize, we are here to catch you when you you fall off and get you back on track. Brie and Martin have been there and they know the struggles of weight loss and how hard it can be. They have been through it themselves and bring their experiences to the gym to help you be the best you can be.

When was the last time your gym called you to see why you had missed (in my case) 6 months? Brie called me last week when I missed 1...that's right 1 class. How's that for a kick in the butt?

So what should you expect at downsize?

Support, training, nutrition, guidance and the kick in the butt you need to keep going.




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